Monday, March 7, 2011

Baby Week

Last week was full of baby shower cakes, which I absolutely LOVE doing!  Here's one for Baby Colton:

And for a set of twins, with matching cookies:

And this was designed to match the party invitations:

And although "2" is certainly not baby age, since my girls are now 19 and 20, it still seems like it to me!  :)

I'd love to be able to claim credit for the awesome design around the side of the cake, but it was totally inspired by a fellow decorator on Flickr!

I've been busy enjoying my new kitchen.  My hubby and I are going to have to start hitting the gym harder, as I have an overwhelming urge to cook and bake in it almost constantly!  :)  I guess it's not an all bad problem to have!

Have a great week!!!


Nicole (Life's a Batch) said...

Not that everything isn't wonderful (because it IS!), but both of those train cakes are magnificent! Kudos to you!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the baby bottle cake!! Simple and cute.
The Thomas one is really cute too. nice job on the face.

lama said...

Oooh, you’re such an inspiration. I love this blog!
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