Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ice, Ice, and More Ice

We've spent the last two days covered in this awful layer of ice.  Last night, we had another ice storm, on top of all the ice we already had.  We spent most of the night waking up once an hour to some type of crash or another.  When we got up this morning, it looked like a tornado went through the yard.  Tree branches are breaking under the weight of the ice, sheets of ice come sliding off the roof of the house at any given moment (making leaving and entering quite stressful!).  I probably have no right to complain, as I have friends who are dealing with more snow than I want to think about.  But last night, as I was crawling out of the ditch by my mailbox - where I had slipped into the ditch and couldn't find one single place to put my foot to climb out, not my finest moment - I would've given anything to trade the ice for just a few inches of snow!

So, today is a great day to curl up with a cup of coffee and get caught up on my blog!  I worked on a couple of Valentine treats over the weekend.  My daughter found me THE cutest little Valentine jars.  They were just screaming to be filled with cookies, so I caved.  The light pink ones are iced in Strawberry Royal Icing and are soooo delicious!

I also had some extra cupcakes over the weekend, and I saw quite a few pictures online of cupcakes iced like this, to look like roses.  What a fantastic Valentine's idea!  I'd love to give credit to someone for the idea, but I've seen sooo many pictures that I wouldn't know where to start with finding the original! 

We bought boxes with inserts that hold four cupcakes, which I think would make the perfect gift.  Wrapped up with a Valentine's ribbon, it's a pretty presentation.

Well, I think I may attempt to start cleaning up the mess in my yard, although I'm not sure I have shoes equipped to deal with the ice.  If only I had a pair of cleats!  Wow, that has to be the first time THAT thought ever crossed my mind!!!

Have a good day, stay warm and safe! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good job on this blog. though , your freezing cold you still manage to make this blog. the pictures up there are just great for Valentines except for the first picture though!buy cupcakes online