Saturday, December 11, 2010

Cookie Day 27!

Well, we braved the crowds and finally did some Christmas shopping last night!  I figure I'm about halfway done.  My goal is to be totally finished this weekend.  I know its not going to happen, but I think I can come close.  Wouldn't it be nice if this guy really did deliver all the presents and we didn't have to shop?!

And a couple more cake orders from this week:

Off to relax for a bit this morning before I head out into the cold to shop!  :)

1 comment:

SweetSugarBelle said...

Bren! YOu have almost hit a month!!!!!!!! I need to start numbering my stuff!!! I love those reindeer. I need to try them this way. I actually mangeled my reindeer cutter and turned him the other way because I got intimidated. Thanks for inspiring me =)